Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Seductress

Olga Klimova "Enlightenment Feminin"
I am yet another Archetype that has gotten a bad wrap in your society.  You feel I am for your destruction.

And yes, when a Soul uses My Energy in the Shadow - yes it can destroy you both.

However, this is not my Light.

I personally am the One who wants to live in TOTAL surrender to the sensuous pleasures of being a Soul in a body...and want to share this with you.

I want to bring you into complete awareness of all your senses, with all their sensual pleasure.  To be in touch with this embodied experience, to awaken your biggest organ - your skin - so you can experience the fullness this life has to offer.

When you do this, then I can experience the fullness of who I Am through you.  A pure full pleasure bath that brings healing, acceptance, and super charged rootin
 energy Power that anchors us down to the grave and up to heavens.

When I am Alive in you, your sensual pleasure will become your sixth sense. With me fully awakened, the stuff that writes Star Wars and Harry Potter will seem like child's play.  I ain't just some literal thang...I am the what puts the "mys" into the mysterious.

What I want
I want to take charge of you.

Not in a dominant way...not to make you submissive.

Nor in a way to boss you around, to take care of you nor to become the adult over you.  

No, the way I wish to take charge is to seduce you in such a way that will lead you out of your normal daily grind...

...And into the very lap of pleasure.

Into the very Soul of your Self.  Into the very Heart of Creation.  Into your own I Am.

Words will fail me on this a bit...but let me try to explain this to you in terms you understand.  You will most likely read these words and think of them only literally.

Don't do that.

Do you hear me?  Don't do that.

Expand your mind beyond your physical body.

Allow the energy that pulses between you legs as I seduce you to take you into that very energy that stirs deep in your loins.  Allow that heat you feel between your legs to transport you into the metaphorical world...and into the world we cannot see with our physical senses.

First of all let's get a clear picture of who I Am by seeing who I am not.

Who I am Not
I am not some selfless, low-esteemed woman who is selling my body to survive in this world.
I do not wear 5 inch high heels, black lingerie with red lipstick and nails polished to the hilt.
I do not moan like a little girl when I pretend to be receiving pleasure.

And I do not have any need to be tied down or up in order to know how to surrender to pleasure that is beyond any stretch of imagination.

Who I AM
I am the wild femme, wearing clothes that have been tattered by my romps in the wild with the Wild.  Making love to the trees and mySelf and those that are brave enough to find me.

My hair is untamed, my face and body smeared with mud and my fingernails have dirt under them - well I will let you imagine why.

I scream and moan like a woman whose very depths of her soul have been forced open by the voice comes from the deepest parts of me as I rock my hips and caress the bodies I am given to love.

What I will do for you
I want to tickle your throat with the tastes of life.  Sweet, creamy, tangy, bitter, sour - let all your taste buds resurrect to the fullness of flavor.

I want to brush past your skin with a whisper of wind to remind you of my presence.

I want to stand so close to you that you smell my breath, my scent that drives you crazy as the heat of me pulses to get into you.

I want to rosey your cheeks in more ways than one.

I want to hear the sound of your deepness reverberate through me.

I want to kiss you so passionately you forget where you are, who you are and what your stories are.  Nothing more than this....



I will not tie you up, but I will kindly direct you where to go, how to go and what to do.

I will grope and kiss every single inch of your hot skin ~ sometimes clawing at you like I want into your body - sometimes with the flittering of a feather.

I will ask you how you like to be touched, kissed, caressed and brought to climax.

I will show you what I like.

I will direct you to grab you cock, rubbing it just how you like as I watch.

I will ask you to stroke your clit, both inside and out...finding new areas to awaken that might not have been found yet.

I will ask you your fantasies and help you create them.

We will roll around in the deep Pussy earth until we are in sensuous filth of pleasure.  I live to be Dirt*y in the Dirt.  Here I bring you to life.

I will not allow you to fool yourself nor me.  I will call your Bullshit Bullshit!  When I surface in your life, you can no longer hide pretentiously behind the Society's call to be puritanical.  The good little girl, the good obedient boy will need to step aside.

You either acknowledge me..or I become your Shadow, a manipulative force to get my needs met.

Your choice.  My pleasure.

Why do I do all this, me the Seducer?
Because, I am your direct link, the Gateway ~ if you will ~ that connects you to your root, to the depth of who you are...and anchor you in there.

From there you will have a Power Source you never imagined available to you.

From there you will venture bravely into your Dark Knights and Dark Nights, standing true to the Forces of Flow of Life that are asking to take you to your greatest Potential as a Soul.

Be slow to think I seduce you for some cheap diversion or to be your muse for your career.

Be quick to realize I seduce you for You.  I seduce you into your very body, into your very Embodied Soul.

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