Saturday, February 10, 2018

What is Erotic?


It is not a word.
It is not a concept.
    It is an experience.
    Of a sensation.
    Of Eroticism.

Eroticism is...
    A sensation that fuels the Being.
        It quickens the Soul to life.
    A sensation that builds into the wellspring of desire,
        that then explodes into a million fractals of light.
    A sensation that begins within and is reflected with out.

Eroticism is a birthright imbedded within the Being of a Soul for a purpose.
It is a connection, a life line.
    To the vital life force of the All that Is.
    A longing to unite to the All that Is.
    A begging plea to experience the All that Is.

It is a call from the Deep.
    A call from the Mysterious.
    From a place beyond words, beliefs or mental constructs.
    It is an insatiable hunger, an unquenchable thirst to be openly, wildly Seen in the innermost secret places...and to still be Accepted.
    Accepted by this Mysterious Depth within that has no name, that is beyond words.

Eroticism is a Call to Worship.
    A Call to find the deepest Truth of Being within.
    A Call to hold onto this Truth, this Center no matter what Hell or High Water comes.
    A Call to never let go.
    And...a call to come back when you do by chance forget.

Eroticism is a promise to Free the mind from its captivity
   and bathe the Embodied Soul with pleasure...
    ...only if One dares to surrender to the "craziness"
        ...the push and pull...the tug-of-war within the psyche...
    So that the Soul can find Its true Home.
               Its true place of Being.

Eroticism is the permission to "EXPERIENCE ALL OF LIFE" on your own terms.
    Play with every desire.
    Be curious about every unspoken fantasy, from the inside out.
    Explore the metaphors of those erotic impulses - in reality.
    Absorb all that you can.
    Digest every experience fully.
    This is the pulse of Eroticism.

Eroticism is the beat of the heart within the loins ~ ripening, readying, begging the fullness of the Other to enter the Sanctuary of yours.
    With Reverence.
        With Respect.
           With Gratitude and Awe.
              Making.  Each.  Moment.  Count.
                Taking... Time.... with Each... and Every... Touch.
Eroticism is the awakening of the Senses.
        An Awareness of every pour on your skin opening up...opening up to...
          Feel every movement in...and around your Being.
            To feel every touch before it touches you.
              To smell every smell as if for the first time.
                To drink every taste in as if it is your last sip of wine.

Eroticism is a surrender to the moment.
    It is a surrender to what Is.
    It is a surrender to the fullness of the Energy in the moment - whether all alone or with Others.    
    Whether fully clothed or fully bare.  Whether at work or at play.
    It is a surrender to the ALLOWING.
    Allowing yourself to say "YEEES!"
    Allowing the energy to have its way with you.

The sensation, can begin with a look.
      A deep penetrating look into the depths of your very Soul, whispering "I truly see you.  See you truly I do.  And... I am still here."

Eroticism, the sensation, can begin with a hug.
      A long hug that melts away the defenses, the pretenses, the barriers around the heart, softens the body and reminds you that "All is okay in your world."

Eroticism is a building, pulsing energy that culminates into a sound...or sounds.
      Sounds that begin in the sanctuary of the loins, traveling its way up the winding spine, swirling around in the pounding heart until it burns the will of the throat, demanding its utterance.

How?  Oh how will it be expressed?
    With an "ooooooooo"....or an "aaaaaa"?
      With a sigh?
          or......a SCREEEAAAAAM?
          With a "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YES!"?
             Or with worship: "OOOOOOOOH.  MYYYYYY.  GODDDDD!"

Or with a crying whisper: "Thank you..."
    Thank you for seeing me and for staying.
    Thank you for touching me in my inner most sacred of spaces, and keeping me whole.
    Thank you for holding me when I shuddered and cried.
    Thank you for drinking me in, tasting my sweet...AND very sour bits.
    Thank you.  Thank you for accepting me - for accepting me just as I am.

Eroticism is KNOWING your inner most value and inviting Others in to KNOW theirs.
    It is KNOWING that your most Holy of Holies within is worthy to be worshipped, revered, respected, admired....and did I mention woooooorshipped...
    Nothing, nothing less will do.
Eroticism is making the choice to see into the very depths of who you are.  Into the secret places that you would rather not see.  Not by you - not by another.  And especially...definitely not by God.
  In this place, in this Secret Garden, you find the Erotic God.
   The part of Self that knows how very messed up you are - and still wants to feel your acceptance.
     The Self that doesn't judge nor condemn you - but offers you a choice.
       A choice to bow in humility, with humbleness to see who you really are....and who you really are not.
         And from there to ask for the work of forgiveness.  From your Self.  Of your Self.
           And to offer it to Others.  To the ones you have hurt or harmed and are in pain because of you and your actions.
This, this is an act of sheer vulnerable valor and is the doorway into...
    Deeper Belonging.
    Deeper longing to Belong.
    Deeper Seeing.
    Deeper Knowing.
    Deeper Being Known.

    Let's Go Deeper.
    Into the Surrender.
    Into the Stillness.
    Into the Quietness.
    Into ...the Mystery.
    Into...our Self.
    Into the Big Bang of Life.

This is Eroticism.

This is Erotic.

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