Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Lord's Prayer Sacred Prostitute Style

This mantra was given to you but stripped of its original intent: To help you clear and ground your chakras, moving from bottom to top, top to bottom, then out to your expanded aura and back in to envelope you in the ultimate Love of the I AM that resides in each one of you.

In the past 175 years, with the knowledge forgotten this is a chakra clearing prayer, it has been demoralized even more to represent another way you have allowed control into your life through the hierarchy.  

What is more is that we are at a time and age where we can go FURTHER than what was originally given to you with this prayer, freeing your entire BEING from the captivity words have been for the past 2000 years.

It is time to reclaim this prayer for yourself in its fullest power, to invite in the Truth and Beauty of all that you ALREADY ARE.  These are my words to you, yet I invite you dear Child feel into the most EXPANDED intent of LOVE behind these words and then make it your own.  

Nothing is set in stone.  Words are living breathing entities just as you are.  They are no longer cement stones that never change - For even cement forms cracks and the Wild pushes up through the pavement changing the face of the cement.   

It is the energy and intent behind your words that matters.  Allow your body to relax, open and receive the intent behind the words and you will KNOW, you will have GNOSIS of what I mean.  Reclaim your own Power to NAME your reality through your own experience with your LIVING WORDS.

This is a HIGHLY advanced mantra and yet all can use it to benefit them where they are at along their journey, especially when they customize it with their own feelings and intent behind the words.  

It is encouraged that you first ground yourself with Mama Earth Pussy energy through your foot chakra on up to your crown.  
* Simply use your imagination and your expanded energy SELF will do the rest.  For example, bring your concentration down to the ARCH of your foot.  Imagine there is a portal that allows energy to transfer between here and your Mama Energy below.  
* To ground, simply feel that portal rotate clockwise 3 times, with each expansion widening the portal.  Breathe in the Mama pussy energy to this portal, on the exhale let it hover there.  
* On the next breath, breathe open the chakra at the knees.  
* Breath up Mama energy, and continue on up the rest of the body this way.  If you want a color to imagine, think of dark brownish red dirt that gets lighter in pigment as it moves up your system - as to weight your bottom half while keeping your top half flexible in the "wind".

*After you get to the crown, set the intention to have the Divine/Universe/God/dess or your most Expanded Self to then clear your chakras from top down and all around.   
* To keep it simple, think of the bright white light that encompasses ALL colors in it and that your system will grab whatever color it needs at the appropriate chakra.
* When you get to the last phrase "Forever and Ever. A'men/OM", imagine the Erotic Light Energy you just stirred up forming a protective bubble all around you.  Set the intention loud or silently that this bubble will keep in what you want and will eject or keep out what you don't want.

* For the entire prayer time, keep in your awareness that you are not just a 2D nor 3D being - but a multi-deminsional being and thus the chakras expand out from your center and envelop you on all planes. 

I mention this because many talk about your Higher Self which implies that their is still a hierarchy of some sort even within the Soul/Spirit. The way I invite you to see your ENTIRE BEing (body, soul, spirit) is a multi-plane combination of both BELOW energy and ABOVE energy that expands outwards in all directions seen and unseen from your physical plane being.  This way you do away with the idea that Higher is better than Earthly ~ and start to see yourself as a truly Expansive Expanded Being living on multi-planes at once.

I have labeled the associated chakra with each part of the prayer.  Again, please remember dear child the words are not the important aspect.  It is what you FEEL behind the words that you will want to bring your awareness to.  FEEL INTO that awareness with the intention that you are seeking LOVE - and you will be A-OKAY.

Lastly, for a more in-depth overview and study of this prayer as chakra medicine, please read Dana William's book The Lord's Prayer The 7 Chakras.

I AM (crown, 7th)
Who Art in ME (3rd eye, 6th)
Sacred is the SOUND of my Name (throat, voice, 5th)

My Queen/Kingdom
(Heart, mid-point of Soul 4th)

Create & Harmonize 
my Reality 
my Being
as Above, so Below
(Solar Plexus, Gut/intestines, 2nd brain center, 3rd)

I give my Self Both
Night & Day 
Day & Night
(Sacral, Creative Source, 2nd)

May I  RELEASE my SELF from 
the idea of mistakes & failures 
and thus sin.
For with these are the lessons I 
grow my SOUL.

May I also RELEASE
the Other from my condemnation and judgement
about their actions that have affected me
and see their actions also as my learning lessons.
In this manner we both can learn as we mirror one 
healing our wounds in comPASSION and LOVE.
(Root, Umbilical Cord to Below, 1st)

Allow my temptations to be ONLY
that which is 
and that which 
My SOUL Purpose for this lifetime.
(FLANKS/LOINS - inside/outside of upper thighs & butt,
 super strong downward gravitational pull towards the Earth)

If it is a temptation that is not
me from my Soul Purpose
to pull me back to this
(Foot Chakra, where you tread open the Earth - 
the One that will Wake you up lest you fall asleep)

(clearing/grounding for 1st expansion of aura around physical body)

For I AM the POWER 
Gaia Eros
(clearing/grounding for 2nd expansion of aura)

Enki El Ya'a
(clearing/grounding for 3rd expansion of aura)

Forever and Ever
(Erotic Light Energy creates and maintains your personal bubble)

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