Sunday, March 27, 2016

Create No Enemies

Jesus said to them: "Love your enemies."

I say you can now take this further: "Create no enemies."

I'll make this really simple for you: Jesus was a Master yes.  Yet his words have been either added to, omitted or he came at life with a view point that was 2000+ years ago.  Meaning we have 2000+ years more of evolution- or growth - in our species and brain science to prove it.

I'll break this down for you this way: what you create on the outside of you, you create on the inside of you.

Therefore, if you create an enemy of any one, you are creating a part of yourself as the enemy.

For we all are mirrors of one another, reflecting little bits and pieces of our psyche back to one another, playing archetypical roles for each other in this great big stage of life.

Therefore, if you label Me as evil, shameful and a whore who sells herself for money in the temple of the Holy God (never mind that is not who I am but another perversion you have been led to believe about Me) 

Then using the mirror you can ask these questions about yourself:

==> what part of you feels evil, shameful and selling yourself short of your real value?  Of your sacredness that is found within your sexuality?

If you see me as one who abuses my body for shallow pleasure,
==> how do you abuse your body for shallow pleasure?  TV, coffee, wine, pointless chatter, pushing through your life never resting?

If you see me as the enemy
==> what part of you feels your sexuality is your enemy?

And if you see me with curiosity, with interest and yet maybe a slight repulsion
==> what part of your sexuality are you curious and interested to explore more but have been too repulsed to follow through?

And if you see me as a friend, as a sister -
==> what part of your sexuality do you own as your friend, your sister?

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