Friday, July 1, 2016

Spiritual Here to Be Human

You have heard it said:
You are a human being having a spiritual experience.

I beg to differ.  Quite loudly.  I say:

You are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience.

If you just stop to imagine this is true, that you are naturally a spiritual being in a human body, what about your world changes?

What does this do to your world view?

What does this do to your view of your body?  Of how you treat your body?  
Can a Spiritual Being live in anything that is not sacred?

Do you need to bring more of your spirituality into your humanness, or more of your humanness into your spirituality?  If by nature you are a spiritual being?

What if your Spiritual Ego is the one in need of an ego adjustment, humbling itself to the nature of a body that has to shit, to pee, to eat, sleep, to grieve and shout in order to remain healthy? 

What if your Spiritual Ego came to this Earth to understand the very restrictions you fight so hard against, deny yourself of and loath when you see others experiencing them?

What if your Spiritual Ego came to this Earth to grasp the full meaning of It's Divinity at this point in Cosmic time, knowing that Earth is the polar opposite to the Cosmic continuum? Thus, the best place to feel the exact opposite of your vastness by experiencing your limits?

What if Earth is the very Vulva of the Cosmos, bursting with sweet smelling pheromones that intoxicate the gods right out of their slumber?  Would you deny your Divinity this experience?

What if the entire point to life on this planet isn't to master the body through the spirit, but to master the spirit through the body?  

To humble your Self, your natural spiritual state, to the point of being born in a stinky manger called Earth so that you could become the Queen/King of Earth - not just of Heaven?  

What if the entire point is to let go of the Spiritual identity to the point it can surrender to the Feminine identity of the body, releasing the body to do as She pleases, roam where She will - taking the Spiritual Self on a fantastic ride of cycles and spirals, twists and turns? 

Thus allowing the Spiritual Being to freely roam wild and free amongst the humanness of your "lowly" body, becoming one with Her - becoming one and the same until human and spirit, spirit and flesh, soul and spirit are melted back into one?

What if you really were a Spiritual Being having a human experience?  
What would shift in your life if you believed this to be true?

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