Friday, July 1, 2016

I AM the Foolishness of THIS World

It was once said by some men a few thousand years ago:

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."

However, even these men did not grasp the true teaching of the man they called the Christ.

My dear daughter, sister...listen to my words and know their truth: 

Jesus understood that the "foolishness" and the "weak" of his present world 
to mean the Feminine Heart & Embodied Soul.
He never himself used these terms to describe the Feminine, of he LIVED as if the Feminine side of life, of divinity were WISE and POWERFUL.  Those that followed him never understood what his true message was because they were blind and deaf.  Which we will see was a very good thing.

The foolishness of this world isn't about giving all of our money to the poor, taking a lower paying job cause it it more spiritual or walking around pious about our spiritual acts.  Nor is the "foolishness" about how to have more bliss in our life with thumbing our nose at others who are "lower" in vibration than us.  

The weak of this world is not about showing up in quiet protest to the hierarchy, nor is about the minorities or less fortunate, or lower evolved humans.

Jesus did not mean that these things are what would "shame the wise and the strong".  

No, no, no.

Jesus understood the culture he had been born into.  A culture of "civilization" that had cultured the wild, unabashedly wild Feminine Soul and Heart out of the body.  He understood that civilization had made us all domesticated animals...polite, crossing our legs, scenting our scents and censoring our extreme pleasure and heart-wrenching grief.

Jesus understood that by looking around him, people tried to get to God by ignoring their Humanness and exalting their Spiritualness. He looked all around him at the degradation of the Earth and the Body, and he understood that this world he lived in - one ruled by hierarchy, was one that had made the Feminine Heart & Soul "foolishness" and "weak". 

In his time within the rabbinical structure and Temple, he intimately experienced how "god's people" - in contract to "god's animals" - had become Lost in themselves.  He understood that the only way to reconnect truly to the Divine was to seek the FULLNESS of the Divine.  That meant connecting with the Humanness of our experience, the Shakti life force of the body and our creative impulses that come through the Spirit into the Soul through our groins.

So when Jesus left the "Church" of his day, where did he go?

Out into nature, into Mother Earth...out into his very own nature that is all of ours.

He didn't just sit down in nature.  He became nature.  He communed with Her in all ways. He talked with the animals and the winds and the waters until they were able to have real conversations.  He ate of Her fruit straight from the tree he saw as himself.  He rose early in the
morning to partake of this orgasmic bliss of the sunrise across Her breasts (hills).  He stayed up to watch the Moon rise across Her vulva (fields) that responded to the Luna light with fertility and abundance.  

He made love to the Feminine - wherever he went.   Passionate, earth shattering, sweet hot sexy sex.  Slow moving, listening within and without.  He kissed Her deeply and listened even deeper to know how to respond to Her - bending down to draw in Her sand so he could hear Her speak.  He learned how to respectfully honor Her as the Temple, enter Her presence and worship Her with his gifts.  

In do so, in learning how to use his gifts, he learned how to penetrate right to Her very core.  He knew in doing so, he was allowing the Shakti life force of Light and Love to be showered upon all the Earth.  

He knew in doing so he could more fully understand his own divinity.  He discovered the very nature of the Feminine that moves in the world and through himself. He discovered the One and Only path to the Father was through the Mother.

When he left the man-made temple of his day, 
he went into the Wild-Made Temple of the Feminine and of himself.  

That Journey OUT into the Wild spoke to him and told him 
he must go DOWN if he wanted to truly understand 
his own Divine Nature.

Knowing this Jesus, prompted by the rites and rituals of Demeter & Persephone - protected by the goddess Hecate - allowed himself to partake in the very ritual of "death" while still living.  

Being the wizard and prophet he was, he knew that his "death" would be a sure way to pass on the knowledge of the ancient "pagan" traditions in such a way as to hide them from the current civilization until such a time that is upon us now.  He understood the world around him was not ready to fully embrace the ancient ritual of death to life. So he took it upon himself to hide the secret rites in his story until The Temple Midwife found in the Magdelene, in the ShaktiChrist would be able to help resurrect their meaning.

"Let those with ears to hear, listen and hear.  And with eyes, to look and see."

Jesus did not go into the grave to conquer death so there would be no more death.

He went into the grave to befriend death, 
as millions of souls had done in rituals up until this time, 
so that the story of life to death to life would live on forever.

Jesus went into the grave to understand the mysteries of the Dark Moon Goddess, the Mysteries of the underworld that women carry in their wombs.  In Jesus time and age, people understood but were forgetting that the tomb was the womb and the womb was the tomb.  That what "dies" is really just a seed being planted for the next birth.

Jesus descended into the underworld, into the tomb, just as his sister Innana had before him. So that when we was resurrected, he could be called the 
King of Heaven (the Spiritual Being)


EARTH (the Human Being).  

He went in to face his own "death" and in doing so, find the path that carries all of us back into Oneness.  

Then again into re-birth with a new found hope and knowledge of our Oneness.  

He went into "death", into the Feminine Lilith who had been outcasted by civilization, so his spiritual being could understand his full human beingness...and thus claim true divinity through both his spiritualness (Heaven/Masculine) and his humanness (i.e. Earth/Feminine).

So my dear daughter, my dear sister - you see that YOU in your Embodied Feminine Soul is really what these men claimed were the "foolishness" and the "weaknesses" of this world..though they spoke in "tongues" even to themselves.  

The great "I AM" is the Foolishness of this world. 

For the Foolishness of God is that He COMPLETELY understands, honors, respects and worships this other side of Herself, the Feminine, with His devotion and discipline.  He gets DOWN and DIRT*Y with Herself.  

Men (and dare I say even women) think the Feminine side of life makes them weak.
God KNOWS the Feminine makes Him STRONG.  

Men (and dare I say even women) think the feminine side of life makes them foolish.  
God KNOWS the Feminine is where Wisdom is found.

Men (and dare I say even women) think the body is shameful and dirty and wrong.
Jesus KNOWS going INTO the Body, the emotions, the psychosomatic is where Divinity is Found.

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