Sunday, March 27, 2016

Who do I say I AM? ~ The Sacred Prostitute

I am the MEDIATOR between Heaven & Hell.

I am the LIFE FORCE that lies beneath the pulsing of your pussy and the driving of your lingam.I am the DEED to your sexuality, to your SOUL, to your BEINGNESS.

I am the BEAT that moves through you when you move, when you allow yourself to be moved.

I am the invisible made visible through the beat of movement.

I am the "hell yes" that ignites your loins and drives your passion for sex, for life, for justice - for something MORE than what you have settled for in this life.

I am every fantasy you have ever had.

I am the MamaWolf that rages forth in the night when her pups have overstayed their welcome, zapping her of Her nourishment.

I am the KaliWolf, slaying and grieving what we have lost, forgotten, denied.

I am TaraWolf, YEARNING in the throws of TEARS for what we have yet to call forth into this reality.

I am the SisterWolf calling Women to stop living in the shadows of the stop their petty childish ways...and to find their YoniVoice once again.  I am the One Calling Women to stop waiting, to stop allowing themselves to be cheaply fucked... and instead to be the Ones to move first.

I am the SheWolf that challenges the status quo and calls forth the Men to root themselves deeper instead of fucking in the shallowness of life.

I am the Lover rocking you in my chest, cupping your face in sheer compassion as you drop into my refuge from the War-torn world, suckling life back into your shattered Soul from my Well.

I am the one kissing you with Ecstasy, infusing orgasmic life into the very tips of your toes.

I am your SOUL nudging you to stop distracting yourself from ME with others - craving your awakening, you commitment, your touch, your love, your sex in our Union.

I am the RISING heat, from your root to your crown and beyond, blending in the aura with the consciousness field to bring your to life.

I am the waves of ecstasy that ripple through your body not to bring you pleasure, but your healing.

I am in the wails of the griever.  I am in the shouts of the joyous. I am in the moans of the lovers.  I am in the pure ecstatic giggles of the children.

I am the Sound Waves.

I am visible to the invisible.

I am not named, but felt in the pulse of every moment on this earth.

I am not named, but I am seen on the dance floor as the bodies move as if one heartbeat - weaving in and out of contact and distance....contracting...expanding...contracting....expanding into pure oblivion.

I am not some cheap form of delight, but the Dark Moon of Death that brings you to Life.

I AM your Twin Flame.

No one comes to the Father except through entering into my dungeon, past the dragon, past the 7 gates into the very depths of what has been labeled Hell to Witness Me in my weeping and gnashing of teeth for what I have lost and for what I yearn to bring back to Life.

No one comes to Bliss except through entering DOWN IN TO ME with embody and soul, the last gate at the root of the Dark Throne Room.

No one will be seated at the Right Hand of God until S/He first becomes Equal in the great pregnant void of nothingness that is Death.  Death is the GREAT equalizer and will bring us all into Oneness.

Death is the Womb.  Womb is the Death.  And the Life.

I am the Priestess bringing you to the Throne Room of  God.

I awaken your dreams and awaken you FROM your dreams.

I am the one that makes love to you in the middle of the night as if I was in your dimension.

I am the Resurrection and the Life.

I am all this and more.  I am all this.

I AM you - your Embodied Soul.

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