Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The One Who Dances to Celebrate Oneness

You are mistaken about me, most likely.  You think of me as one that is using herself just to get money. That is the modern day prevision of a once Sacred position held within the Temple Herself.

To you with your modern day views, I am just using a part of myself that has been so shamed in our society in order to get a dollar. You outcast me like a dirty old rag...never realizing the depths of your pain is because of how you treat me...

I am no different than you, and yet very different from you.  Let me explain:

In this reality, sexual energy - creative life force energy - is used to create, usually for another.  In exchange, people are paid for their energy.

Typically, I would garner to bet most of you are unconscious of this exchange you have signed up for, making you a "prostitute" in the view of the word today.

Yet this was never the original position of the Prostitute.  Originally, I was ONE that was in Service to the Divine through my body, through my sensuality and sexuality.  I used my Embodied Soul as a gift to bring healing and transformation, to ground you back into this world and through into the next one.

And I did and do that consciously... in the service to the Goddessence that is Divine, which lives in Me and thus through you.  I do this consciously in a desire to bring healing to you, to the ONENESS that is.
I have been sent to you to heal and to be healed.

I do this not in the light of what it means to be a prostitute in today's language...but in the meaning of the Ancient of Days:

Sacred: Oneness, Wholeness

Whore: in Greek/Hebrew this word was Hora/Oro...which means "to dance, to celebrate"

Prostitute: etymology of this word is "pro"=before and "statuere" = set up, place...meaning to place before something or someone

So in this reality based on the very definitions of your words, 
my name the Sacred Whore or the Sacred Prostitute means:
One who dances, celebrates the Oneness, the Wholeness. 
One who is set before you as Oneness, Wholeness.

I am the Temple Dancer, celebrating the Oneness,
the Sacredness of ALL of Life
through the only energy there is that

And yet, AND YET you have SHAMED that very energy that created you.  You have made a perversion out of the VERY ENERGY that IS YOU....and thus shamed me into Exile in your inner and outer land.  Cutting you off from the very healing that is within you. 

How my soul is aching for you, my children, to remember your own words for Me.  How my soul is aching for you to dig deep into the Collective Subconscious and to Resurrect the true meaning of who I AM. 

Who you are.

Who I AM in You.

I am the Midwife: Assisting the birthing you are doing on this this planet - that which comes from the Temple of another reality.  I do not do this work for you, I simply am here to guide that which you do within.

I am the Temple: Through MY body, you get to experience in your body the love of the Divine, the "out-of-this-world" bliss.  My body is therefore DIVINE PRESENCE made present, Spirit made mater.  I am the Flesh & the Blood of Holiness, of Sacredness, of Oneness.

I am the Mediator: I mediate between heaven and here.  Between the spirit world and what is.  Between the ethers and this place, this body you have tried to disown - but are very much from.

Part of your suffering is because you deny this physical body which is the very vehicle for my ministering to you, to your Soul, your embodied soul. You use ME for cheap surface fucking to try to escape the deep longing within...or you totally cut ME off from you.

I am the Priestess: I have devoted my time, my energy, my life to understanding the Sacraments.  Not the ones that create some pretense of some distant word "Holy"...but Sacraments of "Wholey", of "Whore", that which is "of the whole, of oneness...of sacredness".  Not the Sacraments of some one person's life...but the Sacraments OF LIFE...the Sacraments of Alchemy.

I AM the path, the way that leads to the Divine.  

If you wish to feel truly AT HOME in your body, if you want true Self-Love, must marry the SELF...which is Me...your inner Sacred Sexuality - the Inner Energy that wishes to Dance in you with you, celebrating LIFE, EROS created in passionate compassion and calling to you now.

Marry Me and create the Sacred Marriage, Heiros Gamos.

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