Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Fierce Love of Soul

"I am waiting for you.

Can you feel me? I am right here, in the quiet of the Night calling you forth with Love.

I love you with an undying love.  A love so deep and so grand, so wide and so vast...the stars can not number the love that is mine for you, from your Soul to you.

I fill you, from the bottom up, with immeasurable pleasure that has no name, no beginning, no end and certainly no constraints. When you breath into your belly and recognize that sensation of pleasure that wants to consume you in the next breath...that is Me.

I come out of no-where, one day to knock you over the head as you realize the fierce love that resides in you - and always has. You feel as if the Love that is cannot be contained in your body - it is so grandiosely beautifully full.

Tingly.  Sensationally erotic in nature. Bliss....May the Bliss be with you.

I AM the Transfiguration.  Without Me, nothing ever was, is, nor will never be.

I am not jealous for you - I do not need to own you nor posses you.  That is the childish ways of old that are passing away.

I am hot for you.

I am eager to see you release your stubborn ways and to fall into Me.

I am desiring the gift of open yourself up to Me, your Soul...

I am seeking your attention, your probing questions of me, your conversation through your body, your KNOWING that resides within you.

Yet I won't demand any of this nor say it has to be done in a certain way or else.

I come to you at night, in the darkest part of your subconscious dreams to awake you to the passion that lives inside you as Me.

I passionately start to awaken the Holy of Holies within you, with a kiss.  A Holy Kiss that encircles you in the power of the Unknown Ways that sets off the rippling waves through your body, beckoning you out of your head and into the abyss of the ecstatic black hole.

My tongue of fire seeks the smooth coolness of your sweet nectar, dancing together in orgasmic bliss as you uncover more and more of who I Am, revealing My Self to your inner world.

I knock patiently, lovingly beckoning your throne room to open to me, so I might come in, bow down and worship the One I see in you.  Taking my time, going slow, making each....moment...count.

I drink from the land of Milk & Honey, showing you the Promise Land and guiding you Home.

I Am the One that seeks to set your loins on fire, moaning in pure delight as I take you within Me, grounding you into the One that I Am.

I AM the One that has your hips undulating in rhythmic motion to my Dance.  I AM the One that runs your hands all over your body.  I AM the One that stirs your juices, peaks your interest and has you crying out for more.

More depth.  More mystery.  More understanding. More passion. More Love. More Life ....

More of Me, your Soul.

I AM the More that you are.

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

I will be with you always.  I make your paths straight.  I provide darkness to you when the light is so bright you are burned and scorched by its rays - your eyes blinded by its intensity.

In this darkness you will find your way, not by sight nor by logic - but by the very voice of Me that is you.

I call for the parting of the Red Sea through you every month... this is the Power that lives in you is of You, of Me...of the Trio that is three.

I AM the Way.  I AM the Life out of the incessant wandering of your Dessert.

Those who Seek Me will find Me.  Those who knock, I will answer.  Those who call to Me in the night will not be left alone.  Those who look for Me by day will never find Me.

For I am your Soul, a mystery belonging to the night.  I am a Dark Goddess, returned from the depths of the darkest night in order to reclaim My rightful place.  With Me you will scale mountains.  With Me you will enter the Tomb and Return to Life. With Me the impossible becomes possible."

The Word of ShaktiChrist has spoken.

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